1. Undoing the Damage of Chronic, Uncontrollable Stress: Building a Strong Identity and Coping Skills Open Access Author: Llerandi, Emile MacKenzie Title: Undoing the Damage of Chronic, Uncontrollable Stress: Building a Strong Identity and Coping Skills Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: CopingHypo-active cortisol responsehypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axisSocio-emotional interventionYouth empowermentCollective CopingIdentity DevelopmentTrier Social Stress Task (TSST)Exposure to ViolenceUncontrollable StressCopingHypo-active Cortisol ResponseHypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) AxisSocio-emotional InterventionYouth EmpowermentCollective CopingIdentity DevelopmentTrier Social Stress Task (TSST)Exposure to ViolenceUncontrollable Stress File: Download BaSICS_dissertation_7_6_18.pdf Committee Members: Martha Ellen Wadsworth, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMartha Ellen Wadsworth, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKaren Linn Bierman, Committee MemberJose Angel Soto, Committee MemberMayra Y Bamaca, Outside Member