1. Topic Models for Link Prediction in Document Networks Open Access Author: Kataria, Saurabh Title: Topic Models for Link Prediction in Document Networks Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Topic ModelsApplied Machine LearningDocument Networks File: Download thesis-SK.pdf Committee Members: Prasenjit Mitra, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr C Lee Giles, Committee MemberDongwon Lee, Committee MemberDaniel Kifer, Special Member
2. Pattern Discovery from Unstructured and Scarcely Labeled Text Corpora Open Access Author: Soleimani Bajestani, Hossein Title: Pattern Discovery from Unstructured and Scarcely Labeled Text Corpora Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Machine LearningTopic ModelsAnomaly DetectionSemi-supervised LearningText ModelingCredit Attribution File: Download Hossein-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: David J. Miller, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid J. Miller, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGeorge Kesidis, Committee MemberVishal Monga, Committee MemberC. Lee Giles, Outside MemberDavid Russell Hunter, Outside Member