1. TOPICS ON THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HIGH-DIMENSIONAL STATISTICS Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Yang, Haoyi Title: TOPICS ON THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HIGH-DIMENSIONAL STATISTICS Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: High-dimensional statisticsSparse principal component analysis (Sparse PCA)Elastic-NetLadle statisticsVariable selectionP-value combinationDependent testsAsymptotic theoryIterative thresholdingTheoretical guaranteesHigh-dimensional data analysisConvergence guaranteesStatistical propertiesSpiked covariance modelBootstrap variabilitySimulation studiesReal-world applicationsBootstrap File: Login to Download Committee Members: Bing Li, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesLingzhou Xue, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorBing Li, Major Field MemberRunze Li, Major Field MemberQian Chen, Outside Unit & Field Member