1. SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYPHOSPHAZENES FOR SURFACE AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Open Access Author: Singh, Anurima Title: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYPHOSPHAZENES FOR SURFACE AND BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: BiomaterialSuperhydrophobicPolyphosphazenesBiodegradableBone Tissue EngineeringNanofibers File: Download thesis1.pdf Committee Members: Harry R Allcock, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAlan James Benesi, Committee MemberJohn V Badding, Committee MemberErwin A Vogler, Committee Member
2. Wetting of Two-Dimensional Physically Patterned Surfaces Open Access Author: Bell, Michael Scott Title: Wetting of Two-Dimensional Physically Patterned Surfaces Graduate Program: Physics Keywords: WettingHierarchical RoughnessWenzelCassieContact AngleThermodynamic ModelSuperhydrophobic File: Download Michael_Bell-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Kristen Ann Fichthorn, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKristen Ann Fichthorn, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAli Borhan, Committee MemberMilton Walter Cole, Committee MemberFrancesco Costanzo, Outside Member