1. The Effects Of Learning Strategies On Student Interaction And Student Satisfaction Open Access Author: Bailey, Keith D Title: The Effects Of Learning Strategies On Student Interaction And Student Satisfaction Graduate Program: Workforce Education and Development Keywords: Student SatisfactionStudent-to-teacher InteractionStudent-to-student InteractionLearning EnvironmentsLearning StrategiesBlended LearningHybrid Learning File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: William J Rothwell, Committee MemberJudith Ann Kolb, Committee MemberDavid Lynn Passmore, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames B Thomas, Committee Member
2. Modeling Student Satisfaction and Implementation of the I-C-D Method to Improve the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Course Experience Open Access Author: Bober, Cynthia A Title: Modeling Student Satisfaction and Implementation of the I-C-D Method to Improve the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Course Experience Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Engineering EducationIndustrial EngineeringStudent SatisfactionI-C-D MethodStatistical Modeling File: Download CynthiaBober_MS_Final.pdf Committee Members: Paul Carl Lynch, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorM Jeya Chandra, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorHarriet Black Nembhard, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor