1. IN VITRO ANTI-COLON CANCER ACTIVITY OF COLD STORED AND RECONDITIONED VACUUM VS. CONVENTIONALLY FRIED COLOR-FLESHED POTATO CHIPS Open Access Author: Stewart, Lauriel Sylvana Title: IN VITRO ANTI-COLON CANCER ACTIVITY OF COLD STORED AND RECONDITIONED VACUUM VS. CONVENTIONALLY FRIED COLOR-FLESHED POTATO CHIPS Graduate Program: Food Science Keywords: Colon CancerStem CellsVacuum FryingAnthocyaninsPolyphenolsReconditioningCold StorageFolin-Ciocalteu AssaypH Differential AssayResazurin Cell ViabilityCaspase Glo 3/7Conventional FryingAtmospheric FryingColor-Fleshed PotatoesPurple Majesty Potatoes File: Download _Lauriel_Stewart_Final_Thesis_.pdf Committee Members: Jairam K. P. Vanamala, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRamaswamy C. Anantheswaran, Committee MemberJoshua D. Lambert, Committee Member
2. Development and Evaluation of Hydrogels for Growth Factor and Cell Delivery Open Access Author: Coyne, James Title: Development and Evaluation of Hydrogels for Growth Factor and Cell Delivery Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: HydrogelsDrug DeliveryAptamersStem CellsGrowth FactorsAngiogenesis File: Download Coyne_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Yong Wang, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorYong Wang, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKeefe B Manning, Committee MemberWilliam O Hancock, Committee MemberGirish Soorappa Kirimanjeswara, Outside MemberDaniel J Hayes, Program Head/Chair