1. System Identification Algorithms for Noisy Data with Application to Behavior Modeling Open Access Author: Hojjatinia, Sarah Title: System Identification Algorithms for Noisy Data with Application to Behavior Modeling Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: System identificationdata analysismodelingphysical activitybehaviormachine learningalgorithmnoisy datasocial networkswitched systemsmarkovdesignSARMAXSARXMarkov jumphybridhealthReal Data File: Download Sarah-Dissertation_Final.pdf Committee Members: Constantino Manuel Lagoa, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorConstantino Manuel Lagoa, Committee Chair/Co-ChairVishal Monga, Committee MemberMinghui Zhu, Committee MemberDavid E Conroy, Outside MemberKultegin Aydin, Program Head/Chair