1. FUNCTIONAL STUDIES OF S-RNASE-BASED SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY IN PETUNIA INFLATA Open Access Author: Meng, Xiaoying Title: FUNCTIONAL STUDIES OF S-RNASE-BASED SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY IN PETUNIA INFLATA Graduate Program: Plant Biology Keywords: self-incompatibilityRosaceaeprotein degradationPlantaginaceaePetunia inflataCompetitive interactionS-locus F-box proteinSolanaceaeS-RNaseubiquitination File: Download MengXY_Dissertation_2010.pdf Committee Members: Teh Hui Kao, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorTeh Hui Kao, Committee Chair/Co-ChairHong Ma, Committee MemberTimothy W Mcnellis, Committee MemberSurinder Chopra, Committee Member