1. Maurice Ravel's Tzigane: Performance Practice and the "Gypsy" Influence Open Access Author: Minnich, Mark William Title: Maurice Ravel's Tzigane: Performance Practice and the "Gypsy" Influence Graduate Program: Music Theory and History Keywords: RavelRomaRomaniGypsyTziganeSintiMusic TheoryMusic HistoryViolinPerformance PracticeRhapsody File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Mark C Ferraguto, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEric John Mckee, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMarica Susan Tacconi, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Alternative spaces of engagement: Constructing meaning through traditional and social media among Roma in the Czech Republic Open Access Author: Hatef, Azeta Title: Alternative spaces of engagement: Constructing meaning through traditional and social media among Roma in the Czech Republic Graduate Program: Mass Communications Keywords: RomaCzech Republicidentitybelongingsocial mediaactivismtelevisionethnographyIdentityBelongingSocial mediaActivismTelevisionEthnography File: Download Hatef_Azeta_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Matthew Paul Mcallister, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMatthew Paul Mcallister, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMichelle Lyn Rodino, Committee MemberMatthew Frank Jordan, Committee MemberYael Warshel, Outside Member