1. A SCALABLE HYBRID POWER AND ENERGY ARCHITECTURE FOR UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLES Open Access Author: Hobbs, Nathaniel Title: A SCALABLE HYBRID POWER AND ENERGY ARCHITECTURE FOR UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLES Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: EnergyPowerUltracapacitorHybridRobot File: Download A_Scalable_Hybrid_Power_and_Energy_Architecture_for_Unmanned_Ground_Vehicles.pdf Committee Members: Heath Hofmann, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorHeath Hofmann, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Digital Control of Hybrid Power for Unmanned Ground Vehicles Open Access Author: Meehan, Andrew John Title: Digital Control of Hybrid Power for Unmanned Ground Vehicles Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Digital ControlHybridPowerRobotHyPER File: Download ThesisFinal.pdf Committee Members: Jeffery Mayer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKarl Martin Reichard, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Robot for Observational Gait Assessment and Rehabilitation Open Access Author: Homich, Andrew Joseph Title: Robot for Observational Gait Assessment and Rehabilitation Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: RobotRoboticsParallel BarsPhysical TherapyObservational Gait AssessmentRehabilitationComplementary FilterWalking File: Download Thesis_AndrewHomich_FINAL_LowRes.pdf Committee Members: Jason Zachary Moore, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEverett Carl Hills, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Automation of additive manufacturing of concrete structures through closed-loop control of printing equipment. Open Access Author: Henneh, Daniel Title: Automation of additive manufacturing of concrete structures through closed-loop control of printing equipment. Graduate Program: Engineering Design Keywords: ConcreteAddConLab3D printing3DCPAutomationCosed-loopsystem3DControlRobotAdditive manufacturingDesign File: Download DanielHennehThesis.pdf Committee Members: Sven G Bilen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorNicholas Alexander Meisel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSven G Bilen, Program Head/ChairTimothy W. Simpson, Committee Member
5. Development of a miniature untethered wirelessly operated modular robotic fish for rumen monitoring Open Access Author: Nitroy, Colin Title: Development of a miniature untethered wirelessly operated modular robotic fish for rumen monitoring Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: RumenRobotFishBioinspiredMonitoring File: Download Colin_Nitroy___Penn_State_University_Master_s_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Haworth, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesBo Cheng, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorShashank Priya, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor