1. Compatible Decomposition of the Casselman Algebra and the Reduced C*-algebra of a Real Reductive Lie Group Open Access Author: Bradd, Jacob Title: Compatible Decomposition of the Casselman Algebra and the Reduced C*-algebra of a Real Reductive Lie Group Graduate Program: Mathematics Keywords: K-theoryRepresentation TheoryConnes-KasparovNoncommutative GeometrySemisimple GroupsReductive GroupsHarmonic AnalysisPaley-WienerGroup C*-algebras File: Download Jacob_Bradd_Dissertation_2024.pdf Committee Members: Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, Program Head/ChairJack Huizenga, Major Field MemberMurat Gunaydin, Outside Unit & Field MemberNigel Higson, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorYuriy Zarkhin, Major Field Member