1. MODELING COLOR RENDITION AND COLOR DISCRIMINATION WITH AVERAGE FIDELITY, AVERAGE GAMUT, AND GAMUT SHAPE Open Access Author: Esposito, Tony Title: MODELING COLOR RENDITION AND COLOR DISCRIMINATION WITH AVERAGE FIDELITY, AVERAGE GAMUT, AND GAMUT SHAPE Graduate Program: Architectural Engineering Keywords: color renderingcolor discriminationfidelitygamut areabest-fit ellipsetranspositionRdtpreferencenaturalnessvividnessskin preference File: Download EspositoTony_PsuDoctoralDissertation2016_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Kevin William Houser, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKevin William Houser, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRichard George Mistrick, Committee MemberStephen James Treado, Committee MemberJames Landis Rosenberger, Outside Member