1. A Rapid Auxin-Induced Increase in Cytosolic Ca2+ is Unique to the Growing Arabidopsis Root Tip and Affects Transcriptional Response to Auxin Open Access Author: Depew, Cody Lee Title: A Rapid Auxin-Induced Increase in Cytosolic Ca2+ is Unique to the Growing Arabidopsis Root Tip and Affects Transcriptional Response to Auxin Graduate Program: Plant Biology Keywords: ArabidopsisplantauxintranscriptionRNA sequencingconfocalcalciumrapidrootgrowthelongation File: Download DePew_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Gabriele Brigitte Monshausen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKathleen Marie Brown, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDawn S Luthe, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS OF DIRECT ASTROCYTE-TO-NEURON CONVERSION Open Access Author: Ma, Ningxin Title: TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS OF DIRECT ASTROCYTE-TO-NEURON CONVERSION Graduate Program: Neuroscience Keywords: reprogrammingastrocyteneuronRNA sequencing File: Download Ningxin-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Gong Chen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorGong Chen, Committee Chair/Co-ChairYingwei Mao, Committee MemberShaun Mahony, Committee MemberQunhua Li, Outside Member