1. Probabilistic Learning by Reinforcement and Approach of Reward Versus Avoidance of Punishment in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Open Access Author: Lafreniere, Lucas S Title: Probabilistic Learning by Reinforcement and Approach of Reward Versus Avoidance of Punishment in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: generalized anxiety disorderGADcognitive biaslearningoperant conditioningreinforcementpunishmentrewardprobabilistic learningimplicitexplicitProbabilistic Selection Task.Probabilistic Selection Task File: Download Master_sThesis_LaFreniere_Final_Vers2.pdf Committee Members: Michelle Newman, Ph.D., Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen Wilson, Ph.D., Committee MemberRichard Carlson, Ph.D., Committee Member