1. SUPPLY-SIDE REGULATION OF PHENOLIC PRODUCTION IN PLANTS: A COMPARISON OF TWO MODEL SYSTEMS Open Access Author: Schaeffer, Toni Marie Title: SUPPLY-SIDE REGULATION OF PHENOLIC PRODUCTION IN PLANTS: A COMPARISON OF TWO MODEL SYSTEMS Graduate Program: Plant Physiology Keywords: PALDAHP synthasequinic acidshikimate pathwaycondensed tanninsphenolic glycosideschlorogenic acidphenolicstobaccoNicotianapoplarPopulus File: Download thesis.pdf Committee Members: John Charles Schultz, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary Felton, Committee MemberJohn Edward Carlson, Committee MemberSurinder Chopra, Committee Member
2. Soil Microbial Diversity and the Influence on Stress Response in Hybrid Poplar Open Access Author: Herr, Joshua Robert Title: Soil Microbial Diversity and the Influence on Stress Response in Hybrid Poplar Graduate Program: Plant Biology Keywords: Microbial EcologyPopulusBioenergyNext-Generation SequencingGenomicsJasmonic Acid PathwayStress Response File: Download Herr_Dissertation_final.pdf Committee Members: John Edward Carlson, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorClaude Walker Depamphilis, Committee MemberSeogchan Kang, Committee MemberIstvan Albert, Committee Member