1. BILATERAL INFORMATION ASYMMETRY IN THE DESIGN OF AN AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM: AN APPLICATION TO PEATLAND RETIREMENT IN NORWAY Open Access Author: Cho, Wonjoo Title: BILATERAL INFORMATION ASYMMETRY IN THE DESIGN OF AN AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM: AN APPLICATION TO PEATLAND RETIREMENT IN NORWAY Graduate Program: Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics Keywords: Agri-environmental PolicyInformation AsymmetryGreenhouse gas mitigationPeatlandPrincipal-Agent Model File: Download Final_Dissertation_-_resubmitted_-_Wonjoo_Cho.pdf Committee Members: David Blandford, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Blandford, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Samuel Shortle, Committee MemberKatherine Yoder Zipp, Committee MemberSeth Adam Blumsack, Outside Member