1. PREPARATION OF ALUMINA / POLY (ETHYLENE OXIDE) NANOCOMPOSITES WITH CONTROLLED SPACING Open Access Author: Shi , Wenjin Title: PREPARATION OF ALUMINA / POLY (ETHYLENE OXIDE) NANOCOMPOSITES WITH CONTROLLED SPACING Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: solvent extractionsolvent displacementminiemulsionnanocompositesaluminaPEO File: Download Wenjin_Shi_M.S._thesis.pdf Committee Members: Janna Kay Maranas, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJanna Kay Maranas, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Molecular Mobility, Morphology, and Ion Conduction in Ionomers for Electroactive Devices Open Access Author: Tudryn, Gregory John Title: Molecular Mobility, Morphology, and Ion Conduction in Ionomers for Electroactive Devices Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: IonomerPEOpolymer physicsactuatorbatterydielectric spectroscopyX-ray scatteringrheologyionic liquidcounterion File: Download Tudryn_Dissertation_2012.pdf Committee Members: Ralph H Colby, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Patrick Runt, Committee MemberMichael Anthony Hickner, Committee MemberScott Thomas Milner, Committee MemberKaren I Winey, Special Member