1. Freshwater Bivalves as Localized Indicators of Anthropogenic Pollution Throughout the Appalachian Basin Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Pankratz, Katharina Title: Freshwater Bivalves as Localized Indicators of Anthropogenic Pollution Throughout the Appalachian Basin Graduate Program: Environmental Engineering Keywords: BiomonitorNORMOil and Gas Produced WaterCoal Mining DischargesPer- and Polyfluoroalkyl SubstancesMicroplasticsInvasive ClamFreshwater Mussel File: Login to Download Committee Members: Farshad Rajabipour, Program Head/ChairWilliam Burgos, Co-Chair of CommitteeC. Guilherme Becker, Outside Unit & Field MemberJay Regan, Major Field MemberNathaniel Warner, Co-Chair & Dissertation Advisor