1. ASSESSING IMPACTS OF PESTICIDES AND OTHER STRESSORS ON HONEY BEE COLONY HEALTH: EXPERIMENTAL AND MODELING APPROACHES Open Access Author: Zhu, Wanyi Title: ASSESSING IMPACTS OF PESTICIDES AND OTHER STRESSORS ON HONEY BEE COLONY HEALTH: EXPERIMENTAL AND MODELING APPROACHES Graduate Program: Entomology Keywords: Honey beePesticideToxicitySynergismPopulation dynamicsNurse-to-forager transition File: Download Final_Dissertation_WanyiZhu.pdf Committee Members: James Lewis Frazier, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Craig Saunders, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChristopher Albert Mullin, Committee MemberOttar N Bjornstad, Committee MemberTimothy Reluga, Committee Member