1. A STUDY ON THE ATOMIZATION AND SPRAY CHARACTERISTICS OF GELLED SIMULANTS FORMED BY TWO IMPINGING JETS Open Access Author: Fakhri, Syed Abdul Khader Title: A STUDY ON THE ATOMIZATION AND SPRAY CHARACTERISTICS OF GELLED SIMULANTS FORMED BY TWO IMPINGING JETS Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: GHPHypergolicProplellantsGelled Hypergolic PropellantsAtomizationSprayNozzleSheetSimulantNozzle Jet File: Download Thesis_-_Syed_Fakhri.pdf Committee Members: Richard A Yetter, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJongguen Lee, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRichard A Yetter, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Investigation of Noise Reduction Methods on Supersonic Jets Exhausting from Scale Models of Military Style Nozzles Open Access Author: Powers, Russell Title: Investigation of Noise Reduction Methods on Supersonic Jets Exhausting from Scale Models of Military Style Nozzles Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AcousticsJet NoiseNoise ReductionCorrugationsCorrugationBevelBeveledExperimentSupersonicModelMilitaryNozzle File: Download RWP_MSThesis_2012_vFINAL.pdf Committee Members: Dennis K Mc Laughlin, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. The Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loading in High Aspect Ratio Wall Bounded Jets Open Access Author: Lurie, Michael Brian Title: The Prediction of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loading in High Aspect Ratio Wall Bounded Jets Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerospaceVibrationsCFDComputationalAcousticsExperimentTurbulenceFree JetWall JetNozzle File: Download Lurie-Dissertation_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Philip John Morris, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDennis K Mclaughlin, Committee MemberCengiz Camci, Committee MemberStephen A Hambric, Special Member