1. Development of Seismic Infill Wall Isolator Subframe (SIWIS) System Open Access Author: Aliaari, Mohammad Title: Development of Seismic Infill Wall Isolator Subframe (SIWIS) System Graduate Program: Architectural Engineering Keywords: Nonlinear AnalysisFinite Element MethodSeismic ResponseMasonry WallsInfill WallsInfilled FramesExperimental Test File: Download Thesis_Mohammad_Aliaari.pdf Committee Members: Ali M Memari, Committee Chair/Co-ChairM Kevin Parfitt, Committee MemberThomas E Boothby, Committee MemberAndrew Scanlon, Committee Member
2. Evaluation of Limit Design for Earthquake-Resistant Masonry Walls Open Access Author: Frederick, Bradley Scott Title: Evaluation of Limit Design for Earthquake-Resistant Masonry Walls Graduate Program: Architectural Engineering Keywords: EngineeringStructural EngineeringLimit DesignDesignMasonrySeismic DesignNonlinear Analysis File: Download EvaluationOfLimitDesign_Frederick_MSThesis.pdf Committee Members: Chinemelu Jidenka Anumba, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. A Software Program With a Graphical User Interface for Nonlinear Structural Analysis Using a Beam Element With Plasticity and Degradations Open Access Author: Gladson, Sherin Title: A Software Program With a Graphical User Interface for Nonlinear Structural Analysis Using a Beam Element With Plasticity and Degradations Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: HysteresisFEMHBeam2DNonlinear AnalysisBeam ElementGUI File: Download skg5825_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Kostas Papakonstantinou, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAli M Memari, Committee MemberPatrick Fox, Program Head/ChairGordon Patrick Warn, Committee Member