1. DAMPING ENHANCEMENT IN HYBRID COMPOSITE BY EMBEDDING NICKEL-TITANIUM WIRES SUBJECTED TO MICROSTRUCTURE TREATMENTS Open Access Author: Nagrale, Shashank Title: DAMPING ENHANCEMENT IN HYBRID COMPOSITE BY EMBEDDING NICKEL-TITANIUM WIRES SUBJECTED TO MICROSTRUCTURE TREATMENTS Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: H-dopingAgingDampingCarbon fiber compositeNiTiShape memory alloyDMADSCTensile testSaravanos-Chamis model File: Download ShashankNagrale_MS_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Reginald Hamilton, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCharles Bakis, Committee Member
2. Thermal Analysis for Characterizing Effects of Metallurgical Conditions in Nickel Titanium Based Shape Memory Alloys Open Access Author: Miller, Blake Title: Thermal Analysis for Characterizing Effects of Metallurgical Conditions in Nickel Titanium Based Shape Memory Alloys Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: NiTiSMETIMTDSCtransformation temperaturerepeatabilitybuildSMAsizeLDEDadditivemanufacturing File: Download Blake_Miller_Final_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Albert Segall, Program Head/ChairReginald F Hamilton, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristopher Kube, Committee MemberTodd Palmer, Committee Member
3. Improving residual stress and heat transfer in shape memory alloy actuation Open Access Author: Bradley, Lawrence Title: Improving residual stress and heat transfer in shape memory alloy actuation Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: shape memory alloyresidual stressactuationrecoverable strainNiTi File: Download Thesis_Draft_5_AH.pdf Committee Members: Robert Francis Kunz, Program Head/ChairMd Amanul Haque, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJing Du, Committee Member
4. Low-Temperature Electron Wind Force Annealing through Electropulsing Treatment Open Access Author: Sharp, Logan Title: Low-Temperature Electron Wind Force Annealing through Electropulsing Treatment Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: annealingelectropulsingEPTelectron windelectron wind forceEWFtitanium carbideTi3C2TxMXenefilmNiTinitinolshape memory alloySMAelectrical resistivitythermal microscopyscanning electron microscopySEMlow temperatureRaman spectroscopy File: Download Low-Temperature_Electron_Wind_Force_Annealing_through_Electropulsing_Treatment_Thesis_Logan_C_Sharp.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Connell Haworth, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesMd Amanul Haque, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDonghai Wang, Committee Member