1. CONTROLLING THE ADSORPTION OF PROTEINS ON POLY(P-XYLYLENE) POLYMERIC THIN FILMS Open Access Author: Anderson, Michael K Title: CONTROLLING THE ADSORPTION OF PROTEINS ON POLY(P-XYLYLENE) POLYMERIC THIN FILMS Graduate Program: Engineering Science Keywords: QCMProtein AdsorptionBSANanoporousParylene File: Download MSThesisAnderson.pdf Committee Members: Melik C Demirel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMelik C Demirel, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviors of Nanoporous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane Open Access Author: Dai, Jingyao Title: Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviors of Nanoporous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: CeramicsFractureNanoporousAnodic Aluminum OxideNanoindentation File: Download JingyaoDai-MSThesis.pdf Committee Members: Namiko Yamamoto, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJogender Singh, Committee MemberPhilip John Morris, Committee Member
3. ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL STUDIES ON MODELING AND FABRICATION OF GALLIUM NITRIDE (GaN) BASED OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES Open Access Author: Noor Elahi, Asim Title: ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL STUDIES ON MODELING AND FABRICATION OF GALLIUM NITRIDE (GaN) BASED OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: GaN Optoelectronic devicesGaN microLEDColorful microLEDGaN based Schottky DiodeGaN based MESFFETColloidal Quantum DotsNanoporousVertical GaN based MESFETMESFET on LEDsSchottky diodes on LEDs File: Download Asim_Noor_Elahi_Dissertation__final_version_.pdfDownload RightsLink_Printable_License.pdf Committee Members: Jerzy Ruzyllo, Co-Chair & Dissertation AdvisorJian hsu, Co-Chair & Dissertation AdvisorOsama Awadelkarim, Major Field MemberWenwu Cao, Outside Unit & Field MemberTim Kane, Major Field MemberKultegin Aydin, Program Head/Chair