1. Defect Growth Detection Potential Using Guided Waves Open Access Author: Waller, Matthew David Title: Defect Growth Detection Potential Using Guided Waves Graduate Program: Engineering Mechanics Keywords: SHMNDTNDEstructural health monitoringguided wavesultrasonicscrack detection File: Download MWaller_thesis_REV6.pdf Committee Members: Joseph Lawrence Rose, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorClifford Jesse Lissenden III, Committee MemberBernhard R Tittmann, Committee Member
2. GUIDED WAVE STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING FOR LARGE DIAMETER STORAGE TANK FLOORS Open Access Author: Love, Russell Title: GUIDED WAVE STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING FOR LARGE DIAMETER STORAGE TANK FLOORS Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: UltrasoundGuided waveStorage tankstructural health monitoringSHMNDT File: Download Russell_Love_Thesis_Final_Rev_F.pdf Committee Members: Joseph Rose, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorClifford Lissenden, Committee MemberBernhard Tittmann, Committee Member
3. Carbonation of Alkali-Activated Slag Mortar Open Access Author: Ghahramani, Sara Title: Carbonation of Alkali-Activated Slag Mortar Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: alkali-activated slagAAScarbonationnon-destructive testingNDTshrinkagemortar durability File: Download Sara_Ghahramani_-_PhD_dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Aleksandra Z Radlinska, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAleksandra Z Radlinska, Committee Chair/Co-ChairFarshad Rajabipour, Committee MemberParisa Shokouhi, Committee MemberZuleima T Karpyn, Outside Member