1. Thin, Free-Standing Films For High Resolution Neutron Imaging Open Access Author: Trivelpiece, Cory Luke Title: Thin, Free-Standing Films For High Resolution Neutron Imaging Graduate Program: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: stopping and range of ions in mattergeometric uncertaintycharged particleneutron imagingBPSGboro-phosphosilicate glassfree-standing filmsSRIMneutron depth profilingNDP File: Download trivelpiece_phd_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Jack Brenizer Jr., Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJack Brenizer Jr., Committee Chair/Co-ChairR Gregory Downing, Committee MemberArthur Thompson Motta, Committee MemberCarlo G Pantano, Committee MemberKenan Unlu, Committee Member
2. Neutron Depth Profiling Measurements and GEANT4 Simulation Comparison for Intel-SEA2 Borophosphosilicate Glass (BPSG) Sample Open Access Author: Ucar, Dundar Title: Neutron Depth Profiling Measurements and GEANT4 Simulation Comparison for Intel-SEA2 Borophosphosilicate Glass (BPSG) Sample Graduate Program: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: NISTPennStateBorophosphosilicate Glass (BPSG)Geant4Neutron Depth Profiling methodNDPsimulationspectrumRSEC File: Download DundarUcar_PSThesis.pdf Committee Members: Kenan Unlu, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKenan Unlu, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor