1. VISUAL-PERCEPTUAL FEATURES INFLUENCE EYE-HAND COUPLING BY INDIVIDUALS WITH TYPICAL DEVELOPMENT: IMPLICATIONS FOR AAC DESIGNS Open Access Author: Liang, Jiali Title: VISUAL-PERCEPTUAL FEATURES INFLUENCE EYE-HAND COUPLING BY INDIVIDUALS WITH TYPICAL DEVELOPMENT: IMPLICATIONS FOR AAC DESIGNS Graduate Program: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: Eye-hand couplingCognitive loadAugmentative and Alternative CommunicationEye-trackingMotor Movement File: Download Jiali_Dissertation_Eye-hand_format_corrected.pdf Committee Members: Krista M. Wilkinson, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKrista M. Wilkinson, Committee Chair/Co-ChairCarol A. Miller, Committee MemberKathryn D. R. Drager, Committee MemberRick Gilmore, Outside MemberRobert L. Sainburg, Committee Chair/Co-Chair