1. GREENHOUSE WARMING BY NITROUS OXIDE AND METHANE IN THE PROTEROZOIC EON Open Access Author: Roberson, April Lynne Title: GREENHOUSE WARMING BY NITROUS OXIDE AND METHANE IN THE PROTEROZOIC EON Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: ProterozoicNitrous OxideMethane File: Download RobersonThesisUpdated.pdf Committee Members: James Kasting, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Kasting, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. LABORATORY- AND PILOT-SCALE TESTS USING MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS AND MICROBIAL ELECTROLYSIS CELLS Open Access Author: Cusick, Roland D Title: LABORATORY- AND PILOT-SCALE TESTS USING MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS AND MICROBIAL ELECTROLYSIS CELLS Graduate Program: Environmental Engineering Keywords: Pilot ScaleDomestic WastewaterWinery WastwaterMicrobial Electrolysis CellMicrobial Fuel CellHydrogenMethane File: Download Thesis_Roland_Cusick_Final.pdf Committee Members: Bruce Ernest Logan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorBruce Ernest Logan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Measuring concentrations of natural gas in three streams in Pennsylvania to estimate methane fluxes from the subsurface Open Access Author: Grieve, Paul Luke Title: Measuring concentrations of natural gas in three streams in Pennsylvania to estimate methane fluxes from the subsurface Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: MethaneCarbon isotopesStream monitoringwater chemistryGroundwaterNortheastern PennsylvaniaMass balance File: Download Grieve_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Susan Louise Brantley, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Quantifying Upstream Emissions From Natural Gas Production In Northeastern Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Barkley, Zachary Robert Title: Quantifying Upstream Emissions From Natural Gas Production In Northeastern Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: Natural gasMethaneAircraft mass balanceCH4Emission rateMarcellusfugitive emissionsClimateClimate ChangeMethane inventory File: Download Barkley_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Claude Yves Lauvaux, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKenneth James Davis, Committee MemberChris E. Forest, Committee Member
5. Methane Fluxes in an Area of Shale Gas Development in Northeastern Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Dennis, Lauren Title: Methane Fluxes in an Area of Shale Gas Development in Northeastern Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Keywords: MethaneMicrometeorologyShale Gas File: Download L_DennisMSThesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Kenneth James Davis, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorScott James Richardson, Committee MemberYing Pan, Committee MemberPaul Markowski, Program Head/Chair
6. Dissolved Gases, Salts, and Metals in Appalachian Basin Groundwater: Provenance and Processes in Relation to Oil and Gas Development Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Shaheen, Samuel Title: Dissolved Gases, Salts, and Metals in Appalachian Basin Groundwater: Provenance and Processes in Relation to Oil and Gas Development Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: GroundwaterMethaneBrineAqueous geochemistryOil and gasReactive transportMachine learning File: Login to Download Committee Members: Donald Fisher, Program Head/ChairSusan Brantley, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorMax Lloyd, Outside Field MemberNathaniel Warner, Outside Unit MemberChristopher House, Major Field MemberEric Roden, Special Signatory