1. The Effect of Metal Incorporation on Properties and Critical Interfaces in Germanium Telluride Based Devices Open Access Author: Cooley, Kayla Anne Title: The Effect of Metal Incorporation on Properties and Critical Interfaces in Germanium Telluride Based Devices Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: Phase Change MaterialsElectrical ContactsGeTeSolid-State ReactionsContact ResistanceMetal-IncorporationTernary Phase DiagramsTransmission Electron MicroscopyThin Films File: Download KaylaCooley-Dissertation-FINAL-Corrected.pdf Committee Members: Suzanne E Mohney, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSuzanne E Mohney, Committee Chair/Co-ChairIsmaila Dabo, Committee MemberNasim Alem, Committee MemberNitin Samarth, Outside MemberJohn C Mauro, Program Head/Chair