1. Psychometric Indicators of Eating Behavior and Risk Factors Associated with Physiological Adaptations to the Female Athlete Triad in Exercising Women Open Access Author: Gibbs, Jenna Claire Title: Psychometric Indicators of Eating Behavior and Risk Factors Associated with Physiological Adaptations to the Female Athlete Triad in Exercising Women Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: Menstrual DisturbancesExercising WomenLow Bone Mineral DensityEnergy DeficiencyDisordered Eating File: Download Final_Dissertation_Document_for_Graduate_School_JC_Gibbs_May_20_2013.pdf Committee Members: Mary Jane De Souza, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorNancy Williams, Committee MemberJinger Gottschall, Committee MemberLeann L Birch, Special Member
2. The role of energy availability in the induction and reversal of menstrual disturbances in exercising women Open Access Author: Lieberman, Jay Leonard Title: The role of energy availability in the induction and reversal of menstrual disturbances in exercising women Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: Energy AvailabilityMenstrual DisturbancesEstrogenFemale Athlete TriadExercising Women File: Download Jay_Lieberman_s_Dissertation_7.25.18_final.pdf Committee Members: Nancy Williams, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorNancy Williams, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Jane De Souza, Committee MemberBarbara Jean Rolls, Committee MemberKarsten Koehler, Outside MemberJoy Lee Pate, Committee Member