1. Template-Based Feature Map Creation Using GPS and 2D LIDAR Scan Intensity and Height Extrema Open Access Author: Kazandjian, Vahan Title: Template-Based Feature Map Creation Using GPS and 2D LIDAR Scan Intensity and Height Extrema Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Feature TemplatesLIDARAutonomous VehiclesMappingGPSLane DetectionVehicleRoad DetectionData ClusteringSensor Fusion File: Download Vahan_Kazandjian_MS_Thesis_Template-Based_Feature_Map_Creation_Using_GPS_and_2D_LIDAR_Scan_Intensity_and_Height_Extrema.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Haworth, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesSean N Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSatadru Dey, Committee Member
2. Database-Mediated Network Friction Utilization Analysis to Improve Road Safety Open Access Author: Mitrovich, Juliette Title: Database-Mediated Network Friction Utilization Analysis to Improve Road Safety Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Friction UtilizationFriction MapTraffic SimulationRoad SafetyConnected and Autonomous VehiclesCAVsChassis SimulationAVsMappingCo-simulationCAV Simulation Tool File: Download MITROVICH_MastersThesis_JM_final_2023_03_14.pdf Committee Members: Robert Kunz, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesSean N Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSatadru Dey, Committee Member