1. The Role of Osteoblast-Derived Inflammatory Cytokines in Bone Metastatic Breast Cancer Open Access Author: Bussard, Karen Marie Title: The Role of Osteoblast-Derived Inflammatory Cytokines in Bone Metastatic Breast Cancer Graduate Program: Pathobiology Keywords: MIP-2GRO-alphaosteoblastosteoclastbreast cancerMC3T3-E1MDA-MB-231WIL-6MCP-1VEGFKCIL-8 File: Download K_Bussard_Ph.D._Thesis_2008.pdf Committee Members: Andrea Marie Mastro, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRobert Paulson, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAvery August, Committee MemberPamela Hankey Giblin, Committee MemberCarol V Gay, Committee MemberAndrew Thomas Henderson, Committee Member