1. link age: a factor in link prediction in a social network Open Access Author: Akcay, Samet Title: link age: a factor in link prediction in a social network Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Social NetworkLink PredictionPrediction PowerNetwork TheoryMixture ModelLogistic Regression File: Download Samet-Thesis.pdf Committee Members: David Jonathan Miller, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Investigating the Relationship between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diabetes Open Access Author: Suchanec, Eric Title: Investigating the Relationship between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diabetes Graduate Program: Clinical Research Keywords: Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseDiabetesBivariate AnalysisLogistic Regression File: Download Eric_Suchanec_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Vonn Andrew Walter, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMatthew D Coates, Committee MemberJunjia Zhu, Committee MemberLi Wang, Program Head/Chair
3. Insights on the use of Machine Learning to Predict Retention of Career Soldiers in the United States Army Open Access Author: Garcia, Miguel Title: Insights on the use of Machine Learning to Predict Retention of Career Soldiers in the United States Army Graduate Program: Data Analytics Keywords: Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningAIDeep LearningDecision TreeLogistic RegressionRandom ForestXGBoostArtificial Neural NetworkDeep Neural NetworkU.S. ArmyMilitaryAttritionRetentionPerson-Event Data EnvironmentPDEDepartment of DefenseDoDArmy Analytics GroupAAGNaive BayesActive DutyEnlistmentCommissioned OfficersSoldiersArea Under the CurveAUCData AnalyticsRetirementMEDPROSPHAMEPCOMDTMSATMSROC CurveVariable ImportancePreprocessingData Quality File: Download Insights_on_the_use_of_AI_to_Predict_Retention_of_Career_Soldiers_in_the_US_Army.pdf Committee Members: Colin Neill, Program Head/ChairPartha Mukherjee, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGuanghua Qiu, Committee MemberYouakim Badr, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. A Neighborhood-Level Analysis of Low-Income Housing Tax Tredit Property Ownership Structures in Three Major Texas Cities Open Access Author: Cadenhead, Karly Title: A Neighborhood-Level Analysis of Low-Income Housing Tax Tredit Property Ownership Structures in Three Major Texas Cities Graduate Program: Spatial Data Science Keywords: LIHTCTexas Affordable HousingSpatial AnalysisLogistic RegressionOwnership File: Download Neighborhood_Level_Analysis_of_LIHTC_Ownership_Structures_in_Major_Texas_Cities.pdf Committee Members: Emily T Rosenman, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAmy C Burnicki, Committee MemberAnthony Robinson, Program Head/Chair