1. AN ASSESSMENT OF POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 4-H PROGRAMS IN WARREN AND SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY Open Access Author: Everswick, Megan Erica Title: AN ASSESSMENT OF POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT WITHIN 4-H PROGRAMS IN WARREN AND SUSSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: 4-HLife SkillsPYD File: Download THE_NEW_THESIS.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Henry Bruening, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorThomas Henry Bruening, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Assessing the Real-World Effectiveness of Botvin LifeSkills Training in Public Schools Open Access Author: Aviles, Charishma Title: Assessing the Real-World Effectiveness of Botvin LifeSkills Training in Public Schools Graduate Program: School Psychology Keywords: Life Skillssubstance use preventionLSTintervention effectivenessadolescentschool-based preventionuniversal preventionskills trainingLife Skillssubstance use preventionLSTintervention effectivenessadolescentschool based preventionuniversal preventionskills training File: Download C_Aviles_Dissertation_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Jennifer L Frank, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJennifer L Frank, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBarbara A Schaefer, Committee MemberShirley Andrea Woika, Committee MemberDeborah Lynn Schussler, Outside Member