1. THE EFFECTS OF A LEARNING STRATEGIES INTERVENTION IN A POST-SECONDARY STEM CLASS Open Access Author: Tise, Joe Christopher Title: THE EFFECTS OF A LEARNING STRATEGIES INTERVENTION IN A POST-SECONDARY STEM CLASS Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: Learning strategiesCognitive strategiesSRL InterventionSelf-regulated LearningGenerative LearningElaborative strategiesElaborative InterrogationAnalogiesIntervention File: Download _Final__Complete_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Rayne Audrey Sperling, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPeggy Noel Van Meter, Committee Member
2. Adoption of Elaborative Interrogation by Lower-performing Biology Students Open Access Author: Tise, Joe Christopher Title: Adoption of Elaborative Interrogation by Lower-performing Biology Students Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: Self-regulated learningElaborative interrogationLearning strategiesBiologyIntervention File: Download Tise_Final_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Rayne Sperling, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorThomas Litzinger, Outside Unit & Field MemberSarah Zappe, Major Field MemberPeggy Van Meter, Major Field MemberPui-Wa Lei, Program Head/Chair