1. Defect Formation Mitigation During Laser Welding of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys Using Beam Oscillation Open Access Author: Saha, Abhirup Title: Defect Formation Mitigation During Laser Welding of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys Using Beam Oscillation Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: Laser WeldingBeam OscillationAluminum WeldingX-ray Computed TomographyKeyhole PorosityMachine LearningHeat Transfer and Fluid Flow File: Download Abhirup_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Laura Cabrera, Program Head/ChairJudith Todd Copley, Major Field MemberTodd Palmer, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorReginald Hamilton, Major Field MemberTarasankar Debroy, Outside Unit & Field Member
2. Microstructural And Welding Impacts Of Minor Boron Additions In Austenitic Stainless Steel Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Andrewlavage, Eric Title: Microstructural And Welding Impacts Of Minor Boron Additions In Austenitic Stainless Steel Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: Stainless SteelBoronWeld CrackingLiquation CrackingChromium BorideKineticsMicrostructural AnalysisPhase DevelopmentLaser Welding File: Login to Download Committee Members: Todd Palmer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJay Keist, Committee MemberJohn Mauro, Program Head/ChairJingjing Li, Committee Member