1. DELINEATING CRITICAL RECHARGE AREAS IN KARST TERRAIN: SPRING CREEK WATERSHED CASE STUDY Open Access Author: Newman, Josiah Scott Title: DELINEATING CRITICAL RECHARGE AREAS IN KARST TERRAIN: SPRING CREEK WATERSHED CASE STUDY Graduate Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Keywords: Spring CreekArcMapArcGISGroundwater RechargeKarstCritical RechargeRechargeInfiltration File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: James Michael Hamlett, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Near-Surface Geophysical Investigation of Karstic Controls on Localized Hillslope Hydrology Open Access Author: Kennedy, Curtis Ross Title: Near-Surface Geophysical Investigation of Karstic Controls on Localized Hillslope Hydrology Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: HydrogeophysicsHydrogeologyHydrologyGeologyKarstResistivityAgronomyAgricultureLysimetryCarbonate File: Download Kennedy_Thesis_-_May_2017.pdf Committee Members: Tess Russo, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnthony Buda, Committee MemberAndrew Nyblade, Committee MemberCasey Kennedy, Committee Member