1. Individual Differences and Creativity in the Engineering Design Process Open Access Author: Heininger, Katie Julia Title: Individual Differences and Creativity in the Engineering Design Process Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: CreativityEngineering DesignIndustrial EngineeringIdea GenerationConcept ScreeningKAIPCSProblem Solving File: Download Heininger_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKathryn Jablokow, Committee Member
2. Designing Like a Human: simulating cognitive style in teamwork with an agent-based model Open Access Author: Lapp, Samuel Title: Designing Like a Human: simulating cognitive style in teamwork with an agent-based model Graduate Program: Engineering Design Keywords: agent-based modelmulti-agent simulationkaboomcognitive styleAdaption-InnovationKAIteamworkproblem solving File: Download MS_THESIS__KABOOM__3_.pdf Committee Members: Christopher Carson Mccomb, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKathryn Jablokow, Committee Member
3. Investigating the Impact of Cognitive Style and Coping in Engineering Design: Insights from Computational Modeling and Cognitive Experiments Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Radwan, Noriana Title: Investigating the Impact of Cognitive Style and Coping in Engineering Design: Insights from Computational Modeling and Cognitive Experiments Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: cognitive stylecopingengineering designagent-based modelingcomputational modelingdesignproblem solvingcollaborationteamsrobustnesscognitive gapcognitive effortcognitionengineeringorganizational psychologyoptimizationcognitive experimentsKABOOMKAI File: Login to Download Committee Members: Steven Landry, Program Head/ChairKathryn Jablokow, Outside Unit & Field MemberYiqi Zhang, Major Field MemberSteven Landry, Major Field MemberChristopher McComb, Special MemberJessica Menold, Chair & Dissertation Advisor