1. XML ACCESS CONTROL IN NATIVE AND RDBMS-SUPPORTED XML DATABASES Open Access Author: Luo, Bo Title: XML ACCESS CONTROL IN NATIVE AND RDBMS-SUPPORTED XML DATABASES Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: XMLInformation SecurityAccess Control File: Download Luo-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Dongwon Lee, Committee Chair/Co-ChairC Lee Giles, Committee MemberPeng Liu, Committee MemberWang Chien Lee, Committee Member
2. POLICIES, STANDARDS, AND PRACTICES: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT STATE OF ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY AT UNIVERSITIES AND CORPORATIONS Open Access Author: Weidman, Jake Anthony Title: POLICIES, STANDARDS, AND PRACTICES: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT STATE OF ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY AT UNIVERSITIES AND CORPORATIONS Graduate Program: Informatics Keywords: Information SecuritySecurity PoliciesSecurity PolicyPoliciesOrganzational Security2FA File: Download Weidman-Dissertation_-_FINAL_-_Informatics.pdf Committee Members: Don Shemanski, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDon Shemanski, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Beth Rosson, Committee MemberGerry Santoro, Committee MemberKrishna Prasad Jayakar, Outside Member
3. Secrecy Guarantees in Emerging Networks Open Access Author: Zewail, Ahmed Title: Secrecy Guarantees in Emerging Networks Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Physical layer securityInformation TheoryCachingCoded CachingSecure DeliverySecure CachingUntrusted RelaysUntrusted CacheWiretap ChannelInformation SecurityCooperative NetworksHeterogeneous Systems File: Download dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Aylin Yener, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJing Yang, Committee MemberViveck Ramesh Cadambe, Committee MemberAlexei Novikov, Outside MemberAylin Yenner, Committee Chair/Co-Chair