1. IMPLEMENTATION AND VALIDATION OF A NON-CUT CELL IMMERSED BOUNDARY METHOD FOR USE IN ICING SMIULATIONS Open Access Author: Sarofeen, Christian Title: IMPLEMENTATION AND VALIDATION OF A NON-CUT CELL IMMERSED BOUNDARY METHOD FOR USE IN ICING SMIULATIONS Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: SimulationComputationalIBMImmersed Boundary MethodCFDIcingRotorcraft File: Download ChristianSarofeen-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Eric Patterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr Eric Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPhilip John Morris, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. An Adaptive Immersed Boundary Method for CFD Simulation of Multiphase Flows with Moving Internal Bodies Open Access Author: McIntyre, Sean Michael Title: An Adaptive Immersed Boundary Method for CFD Simulation of Multiphase Flows with Moving Internal Bodies Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Multiphase FlowImmersed Boundary MethodWater Entry Simulation File: Download SeanMcIntyre-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Robert Francis Kunz, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert Francis Kunz, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJules Washington Lindau V, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Computation of Interactions of Blast with Responding Solids using an "Embedded Solid" Approach Open Access Author: Liew, Yih-Pin Title: Computation of Interactions of Blast with Responding Solids using an "Embedded Solid" Approach Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Structured GridEvolving Grid methodComputational Fluid DynamicsImmersed Boundary MethodBlast and Responding Solid Interactions File: Download Yih-Pin_Liew-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Philip John Morris, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGeorge A Lesieutre, Committee MemberLyle Norman Long, Committee MemberAndrea Schokker, Committee Member
4. Flow and Sediment Transport in Nature-Based Solutions for River Restoration Open Access Author: Mousavi, Azadeh Title: Flow and Sediment Transport in Nature-Based Solutions for River Restoration Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: Sediment TransportScourPorous in-Stream StructuresHydrodynamicsNumerical SimulationsEngineered Log JamsLarge Woody DebrisNature-Based SolutionsRiver RestorationCFDRANSImmersed Boundary MethodErosionHydraulic Flume ExperimentScour EquationPorosity File: Download Dissertation_Azadeh_Mousavi.pdf Committee Members: Farshad Rajabipour, Program Head/ChairAnastasia Piliouras, Outside Unit MemberXiaofeng Liu, Chair, Minor Member & Dissertation AdvisorXiang Yang, Outside Field MemberRoberto Fernández, Major Field Member