1. AN ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF HUMAN INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES ON WEB SEARCHING BEHAVIOR AMONG BLACKS AND WHITES: A CASE OF HEALTH INFORMATION SEARCHING Open Access Author: Morgan, Allison Janeice Title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF HUMAN INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES ON WEB SEARCHING BEHAVIOR AMONG BLACKS AND WHITES: A CASE OF HEALTH INFORMATION SEARCHING Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Human information behaviorIndividual differencesRaceHealth informationWeb searchingDiversityHuman variation File: Download MorganDissertation_vFinal2008.pdf Committee Members: Eileen M Trauth, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorEileen M Trauth, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLynette Kvasny, Committee MemberBernard James Jansen, Committee MemberDr. Ronald Jackson II, Committee Member