1. Using ancient DNA to investigate the influence of environmental change on animal populations Open Access Author: Letts, Brandon Title: Using ancient DNA to investigate the influence of environmental change on animal populations Graduate Program: Genetics Keywords: PleistoceneHolocenebisonarmadillosteamer duckcaribouenvironmentevolutionglaciation File: Download LettsThesis_111711_FINALforUpload.pdf Committee Members: Beth Shapiro, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen Wade Schaeffer, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRussell W Graham, Committee MemberIliana Brigitta Baums, Committee MemberDaniel Bradley, Committee MemberBeth Shapiro, Committee Member
2. Lessons from Soggy Leaves: A Pre-Settlement Flora from White Clay Creek, Chester County, Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Grettenberger, Christen Lynn Title: Lessons from Soggy Leaves: A Pre-Settlement Flora from White Clay Creek, Chester County, Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: fossil leavesHolocenesubfossil florapaleontology File: Download thesis-full-July-26-2011-1.pdf Committee Members: Peter Daniel Wilf, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPeter Daniel Wilf, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Local and broad scale changes in North American small mammal community structure: the late Pleistocene through the late Holocene Open Access Author: Pardi, Melissa Irene Title: Local and broad scale changes in North American small mammal community structure: the late Pleistocene through the late Holocene Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: multivariate analysispaleoecologyHolocenePleistoceneglacialsmall mammalsnon-analog File: Download Completed_Thesis_04_11_2_2010.pdf Committee Members: Russell W Graham, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRussell W Graham, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Toward Multi-proxy Reconstructions of Hydroclimate over the Contiguous United States from A.D. 500 to Present Open Access Author: Brouillette, Daniel Joseph Title: Toward Multi-proxy Reconstructions of Hydroclimate over the Contiguous United States from A.D. 500 to Present Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: droughtclimate variabilityhydroclimateclimatereconstructionUnited StatesHolocenePDSIproxy File: Download DanielJBrouillette_MSThesis.pdf Committee Members: Michael Mann, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
5. Detecting Rates Of Vegetation Change In Africa From The Last Glacial Maximum To The Present Open Access Author: Early, David Title: Detecting Rates Of Vegetation Change In Africa From The Last Glacial Maximum To The Present Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: PollenRate-of-ChangeDatabasePaleoecologyPalynologyRHolocenePleistoceneLand UseAfrica File: Download Early_MSThesis_2024.pdf Committee Members: Sarah J Ivory, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPeter Daniel Wilf, Committee MemberDonald Fisher, Program Head/ChairMark E Patzkowsky, Committee Member