1. INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF USERS ON INTERFACE DESIGN AND USABILITY Open Access Author: Dhillon, Beant Kaur Title: INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF USERS ON INTERFACE DESIGN AND USABILITY Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: UsabilityHofstedeInterface DesignCulture File: Download Beant_Dhillon-_MS_Final_Thesis-2009.pdf Committee Members: Richard Donovan Koubek, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorM Jeya Chandra, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Exploring the Relationship Between Culture and Participation In An Introduction To Art MOOC Open Access Author: Stager, Sarah J Title: Exploring the Relationship Between Culture and Participation In An Introduction To Art MOOC Graduate Program: Learning, Design, and Technology Keywords: ProbabilityHofstedeNational Culture File: Download SarahjStager_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Kyle Leonard Peck, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Lynn Passmore, Committee MemberRoy Clariana, Committee MemberCraig D Weidemann, Committee Member