1. Modeling Micro- and Macro-Scale Two-Phase Flow in 3D Flow Channels of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Open Access Author: Kim, Jinyong Title: Modeling Micro- and Macro-Scale Two-Phase Flow in 3D Flow Channels of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Fuel Cell3D fine meshFlow-fieldWater managementHigh current densityMass transportTwo-phase flowModelingPEMFC File: Download JinyongKim_PhD_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Chao-Yang Wang, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChao-Yang Wang, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDaniel Connell Haworth, Committee MemberSukwon Choi, Committee MemberMichael John Janik, Outside Member