1. Legitimate or not – learning the status of online pharmacies Open Access Author: Muthupandi, Sowmyasri Title: Legitimate or not – learning the status of online pharmacies Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Online pharmaciesHealthcare AnalyticsWeb mining File: Download Masters_Thesis_-_sum344.pdf Committee Members: Dr. Soundar Kumara, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Hui Zhao, Committee MemberDr. Soundar Kumara, Committee Member
2. DATA-DRIVEN MODELING AND INTERPRETABLE MACHINE LEARNING WITH APPLICATIONS IN HEALTHCARE Open Access Author: Liu, Ning Title: DATA-DRIVEN MODELING AND INTERPRETABLE MACHINE LEARNING WITH APPLICATIONS IN HEALTHCARE Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Data-Driven ModelingInterpretable Machine LearningHealthcare AnalyticsDrug-Drug InteractionsPatient Satisfaction File: Download NingLiu-Dissertation-FinalVersion.pdf Committee Members: Soundar Kumara, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSoundar Kumara, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGuodong Pang, Committee MemberEunhye Song, Committee MemberTerry Harrison, Outside MemberLing Rothrock, Program Head/Chair