1. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion in HPMCAS-Acetone-Water System Open Access Author: Chiu, Sheng-wei Title: Phase Equilibria and Diffusion in HPMCAS-Acetone-Water System Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: Inverse gas chromatographyglassy state polymerDiffusionMulti-componentHPMCASFree-volume theoryUNIFAC File: Download Thesis_Sheng-Wei_Chiu.pdf Committee Members: Ronald Paul Danner, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. DIFFUSIVITY AND SOLUBILITY OF SOLVENTS IN SEMI-CRYSTALLINE AND GLASSY POLYMERS Open Access Author: Sturm, Derek R Title: DIFFUSIVITY AND SOLUBILITY OF SOLVENTS IN SEMI-CRYSTALLINE AND GLASSY POLYMERS Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: SolubilityDiffusiondiffusivityglass transitionpolymersolventsemi-crystallineHPMCASpolyethyleneSpray Drying File: Download FINAL_Sturm_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Ronald P. Danner, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRonald P. Danner, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRobert M. Rioux, Committee MemberJames S. Vrentas, Committee MemberJames P. Runt, Outside MemberRobert M. Rioux, Committee Chair/Co-Chair