1. Arsendie-Antmonide Tunnel Transistors for Low Power Logic Applications Open Access Author: Mohata, Dheeraj Kumar Title: Arsendie-Antmonide Tunnel Transistors for Low Power Logic Applications Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: TransistorTFETArsenideAntimonideHetero-junctionFabricationlow powersteep switchingsupply voltage File: Download PhD_Dissertation_DheerajMohata_May_2013.pdf Committee Members: Suman Datta, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorVijaykrishnan Narayanan, Committee MemberTheresa Stellwag Mayer, Committee MemberJun Zhu, Committee Member
2. Fabrication and Characterization of Biodegradable Microspheres for Applications in Electrically Conductive Biomedical Devices Open Access Author: Antensteiner, Martin Title: Fabrication and Characterization of Biodegradable Microspheres for Applications in Electrically Conductive Biomedical Devices Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: BioelectronicsElectrically Conducting PolymerPLGAmicrosphereelectrosprayingImpedanceFabrication File: Download Antensteiner_MS_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Committee Members: Mohammad Reza Abidian, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Fabrication and Characterization of a Large-array Surface-mount Hot-film Open Access Author: Wang, Sean Title: Fabrication and Characterization of a Large-array Surface-mount Hot-film Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Hot-filmArrayPIVSurface-mountedLarge-scaleFabricationAnemometryCharacterization File: Download Sean_Wang_Master_s_Thesis_V2.2.pdf Committee Members: Mark A Miller, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorXin Ning, Committee MemberAmy Pritchett, Program Head/ChairTamy Guimarães, Committee Member