1. Assessing the Effectiveness of Live Music Interpretive Programming Open Access Author: Barrett, Austin Gordon Title: Assessing the Effectiveness of Live Music Interpretive Programming Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: Environmental InterpretationMusicClimate ChangeExperimental Design File: Download Austin_Barrett_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDeborah Lee Kerstetter, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGeorge Richard Vahoviak, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Experimental study of wake impingement on a horizontal stabalizer Open Access Author: Metkowski, Leonard P Title: Experimental study of wake impingement on a horizontal stabalizer Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AerodynamicsHelicopterHubsEmpennageExperimentalInteractional AerodynamicsHelicopter Hub DragExperimental DesignHelicopter Hub ExperimentsHorizontal StabilizerHelicopter StabilizerExperiments on Helicopter StabilizersWake Impingement File: Download Metkowski_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Sven Schmitz, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMark David Maughmer, Committee MemberAmy Ruth Pritchett, Committee Member
3. Development of Kolsky Bar Techniques and the Experimental Characterization of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Composites Open Access Author: Hannah, Thomas Title: Development of Kolsky Bar Techniques and the Experimental Characterization of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Composites Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Kolsky BarsHigh Rate Strain AnalysisComposite AnalysisMiniature Kolsky BarsFinite Element AnalysisSolid MechanicsExperimental DesignComposite Failure AnalysisHigh Resolution ImagingOrthogonal Arrays File: Download PhD_thesis_Thomas_Hannah_final_version.pdf Committee Members: Reuben Kraft, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorCharles Bakis, Outside Unit MemberGuhaprasanna Manogharan, Major Field MemberAlbert Segall, Outside Field MemberRobert Kunz, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate Studies