1. Design and Implementation of an Automated Experimentation Facility for a Reconfigurable Geo-Distributed Key-Value Store Open Access Author: Soni, Praneet Title: Design and Implementation of an Automated Experimentation Facility for a Reconfigurable Geo-Distributed Key-Value Store Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: Strong ConsistencyGeo-distributedKey-value StoreExperiment FacilityReconfigurable Storage ServiceErasure CodingSystems File: Download Masters_Thesis_CSE_PSU.pdf Committee Members: Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorViveck Ramesh Cadambe, Committee MemberChitaranjan Das, Program Head/Chair
2. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ERASURE CODING IN CASSANDRA Open Access Author: Ramesh, Ranjitha Title: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ERASURE CODING IN CASSANDRA Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: Erasure CodingCassandraDistributed SystemAlgorithm File: Download Penn_State_University_thesis_class.pdf Committee Members: Chitaranjan Das, Program Head/ChairBhuvan Narendra Urgaonkar, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorViveck Ramesh Cadambe, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor