1. OPTIMIZATION OF THE TRANSPORT OF CO2 GENERATED FROM THE PRODUCTION OF THE MARCELLUS SHALE GAS IN PENNSYLVANIA Open Access Author: Madu, Christian Chidi Title: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TRANSPORT OF CO2 GENERATED FROM THE PRODUCTION OF THE MARCELLUS SHALE GAS IN PENNSYLVANIA Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: CO2 transportEmissionsGreenhouse GasesMarcellus shalePipelineWells File: Download CHRISTIAN_MADU_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Dr Oyewole Samuel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSamuel Oyewole, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorLi Li, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Reducing the Impact of the Power Sector on Ozone Pollution: An Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Differentiated Prices for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Open Access Author: Stines, Zachary O'cain Title: Reducing the Impact of the Power Sector on Ozone Pollution: An Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Differentiated Prices for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: OzoneNOxElectricityDifferentiatedEmissionsSpatial File: Download ZacharyStinesFinalThesis.pdf Committee Members: Mort D Webster, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Benzene Observations and Source Appointment in a Region of Oil and Natural Gas Development Open Access Author: Halliday, Hannah Selene Title: Benzene Observations and Source Appointment in a Region of Oil and Natural Gas Development Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: VOCsBenzeneColoradoOil and Natural GasNatural GasEmissionsAir PollutionAir QualityWattenburg Gas FieldSource Receptor ModelSource identificationAtmospheric ChemistryPositive Matrix Factorization File: Download Halliday_dissertation_2016.pdf Committee Members: Anne Thompson, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam Henry Brune, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAnne Thompson, Committee MemberGeorge Spencer Young, Committee MemberGuido Cervone, Outside Member