1. Surface finishing of Additively Manufactured metallic components- effect of prior surface condition and post-processing routes Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Rifat, Mustafa Title: Surface finishing of Additively Manufactured metallic components- effect of prior surface condition and post-processing routes Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: IndentationSurface RoughnessAdditive ManufacturingMicrostructureElectron Beam MeltingDirect Metal Laser SinteringBead-blastingResidual StressNano-scratch testPile-up BehaviorHardeningCentrifugal Disc FinishingSurface Finishing File: Login to Download Committee Members: Saurabh Basu, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorEd De Meter, Major Field MemberTodd Palmer, Outside Unit & Field MemberRobert Voigt, Major Field MemberSteven Landry, Program Head/Chair